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1300 438 362

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Isra Medical Services Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy

ISRA Medical Services

Purpose of this policy

To provide guidance to staff and contractors on the use of social media at work and at home. We aim to respect patient confidentiality, laws relating to medical practice, and professionalism.

Social media definition

Online interactive communities to share information and content, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Linkedin. This practice has a Facebook and Linkedin page.

Standards for our Social Media pages:

  1. Do not disclose any patient information without the express consent of the patient. This includes photographs. Even “de-identified” details may be able to be recognised by people known to the patient.
  2. Do not post any material that is fraudulent, harassing, embarrassing, sexually explicit, obscene, intimidating, defamatory or unlawful.
  3. Posts by external users will be deleted by the practice if found to be of the nature of material described in point 2.
  4. Comply with AHPRA’s Guidelines for Advertising Regulated Health Services and Social Media Policy.
  5. The Facebook page can be used by patients to confirm appointments but cannot be used to make an appointment, provide patient-specific medical advice, provide repeat prescriptions or referral letters.
  6. All posts must be approved by the practice manager, and those with medical content must first be approved by the Practice Manager.
  7. The practice manager is responsible for regularly reviewing content of the Facebook page. In his absence he will appoint another staff member to the task.

On employees’ and contractors’ personal social media sites:

  1. Do not refer to the practice, other staff or contractors without their approval. Do not criticise or denigrate the practice, its staff and contractors, or organisations it is professionally associated with.
  2. There should be no photos taken inside the workplace which could capture documents, paperwork, patient charts, or other information protected by privacy law. Do not disclose any patient information without the express consent of the patient.
  3. Do not accept “friend” requests from people you know only as a patient of the practice.
  4. Do not disclose any confidential information relating to practice systems.
  5. Use of social media should not interfere with your work.

Consequences of breach of this policy

Any breach of this social media policy may result in disciplinary action, and in the event of serious misconduct may result in the termination of employment or contract.

Need an after hours doctor in Sydney?
call us after 6 pm Everyday
For Home Visits Call
1300 438 362

If you're experiencing an urgent medical emergency, Please call Triple Zero (000) or visit your nearest emergency department.

Our service is not a replacement of your regular GP service, rather it is a complementary service to your daytime regular GP. It is very important to have a regular GP during daytime.




Live Well Australia

Lakemba Practice Hours: Everyday 6pm – 8am
Parramatta Practice Hours: Everyday after 6PM
Liverpool Practice Hours: Everyday after 6PM
ISRA Medical Services Lakemba is located at 102A Haldon St
ISRA Medical Services Parramatta is located at 13/103 GEORGE ST, PARRAMATTA
ISRA Medical Services Liverpool is located at 2/269 BIGGE ST, LIVERPOOL